This week was pretty great / kinda bad. Last monday night we had a Family Night with the bishop and his family and it was awesome!! We made tacos and guacamole!!! SOO GOOOD!! I miss guac and chips so much...
But moving on, this wee was a lot better with finding new investigators, but no one accepted a baptismal date, so that was a little bit of a bummer. But we had some really good lessons with investigators progressing. It makes me feel a lot better when we have investigators that read and like the church and want to learn more.
One really great thing that happened this week was when I gave my talk last week I told everyone that my favorite juices are Maracuya and Lulo, so almost every lunch we had with members we had one of those juices!!

But we had to go give a blessing to the sister of the Relief Society president so we went to her house at about 8. Basically that was one of the freakiest experiences of my life because turned out that there was a bad spirit in her. So long story short, priesthood power is real, we cast out spirits, and I didn´t sleep very well last night. Again, kinda freaky, yesterday we kinda did an exorcism / cast out an evil spirit from a lady and I don´t really want to take all the time to write what happened so here´s a video, hopefully you can download it and watch it.
Ya, that´s kinda it for this week. I think saturday we´ll have 3 interviews for baptisms because we have 3 baptisms scheduled for May 11th!!
Well that´s it! Love you all! Abrazos y besos!
Scary,Nug!! What a crazy experience, but also helps to be grateful for the priesthood. We are keeping you in our prayers! Love you, Aunt Emily