What`s up! This week has been pretty crazy! On Tuesday I had an intercambio with the zone leaders so I went into Cartagena to work. Within that intercambio, I had another with Elder Fitzgerald (I lived with him in Alpes, my first house) because there was a baptismal interview. It was really fun to go out and work with him and see how much we have progressed with the language and teaching.
That day it also rained a lot so it was super humid and I sweat a lot :( We had a group planning sesh on Thursday so we all met up. While we were there, the assistant, Elder Schwab, arrived. He is now working in my old area of Modelo and told me that Ana and Luisa got baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I`m sooo happy! Also Adriana and Laura are getting ready to be baptized too!!! Super awesome news!!
Also on Friday we had interviews with the president and we had to go to the church in Los Alpes. As always the interviews were running late, but after we finished Elder Schwab told us the they were heading out to Turbaco (my areaa) and could probably take us. SO ...we got to go in the president`s car. It was fantastic! I felt like I was back home for a brief moment with the AC.
Even more crazy was when we arrived in Turbaco because as we were driving down the streets everyone started screaming, freaking out, and running in the streets....The soccer game against Chile had just ended in a tie. That means that Colombia is going to World Cup!! So literally everyone went insane, got on motorcycles and paraded through the city screaming, honking horns, and making a lot of noise.
We were going to leave to work, but then the power went out.... in all of Turbaco. Which meant that everyone was even crazier, so we hurried back to the house to wait out the night. Pretty nuts! I took a video and I`ll try to send it to you next week.
That`s it for this week, we didn`t have that great of lessons with people. We could never find anyone in their houses, so we contacted a lot a lot.
I love you all! Abrazos y besos!